In speech karaoke, the audience chooses their favourites from a list of famous, embarrassing, confusing, etc. speeches from history and interprets them. Each speech has its background video – just like traditional singing karaoke.

Commissioned by the 2019 International Short Film Festival Oberhausen, the group put together a snappy Film Speeches set, a thematic selection of cinematic speeches. Included are speeches of thanks, manifestos, rants and tirades, and speeches taken from films. Herzog, Duras, Anger, Kael, Mekas, Varda, Tarkovsky… We will screen an updated selection of Film Speeches, also some cracks in Finnish!

Speech Karaoke Action Group has been operating since 2009. Currently, the group consists of artists Jenna Jauhiainen, Tellervo Kalleinen, Oliver Kochta-Kalleinen, Carl Sebastian Lindberg, Essi Ojanperä, Velda Parkkinen, Pilvari Pirtola, Johanna Raekallio and Julius Valve. The group is ideologically and politically non-aligned.

Mika Taanila