Volunteers 2025



To us all volunteers are equally important regardless of background, education, occupation, wealth, or social status. All our volunteers are equal – working on any tasks at the festival has no precedence over working on other tasks. Every task and the person performing it are equally valuable at the Midnight Sun Film Festival.

Please note that our festival is on 24/7 for five days, so the work shifts (ca. 6 h/day) may take place at any given hour. The exceptions to this rule are the following teams, where there is usually no working during nighttime: staff kitchen, childcare, guest & press info, advance & deconstruction teams, festival club, and pub tent.

A sufficient proficiency of Finnish is required in all our tasks involving customer service, and without that proficiency some tasks or teams are not suitable for everyone. Please fill your application in Finnish if your proficiency in Finnish is sufficient enough for customer service.


Volunteer selection for 2025

Midnight Sun Film Festival warmly welcomes you to be a part in building the festival’s 2024 edition!

The festival is celebrating its 40th edition between 11th and 16th of June. All volunteers should preferably arrive to Sodankylä by Tue 10th 6.30 PM at the latest for the official staff info. Everyone takes part in building and closing the festival, so volunteers must be present until Mon 17th of June 2025. After wrapping up the festival, there will be a wrap-up party for staff beginning in the afternoon of Monday the 17th. The party takes place at a beautiful location by the river and will include sauna, swimming, food & drinks and mingling in good company.

The festival office is located at the Kitisenranta school along with the guest and press info, four screening venues, and accommodation, cafeteria & registration for staff.

For the first-timers:
Our aim is to provide a high-quality, spontaneous and, most importantly, pleasant and rewarding festival. Occasionally, working with us requires a 110% performance mentally as well as physically. Also, it is not possible to place everyone in their most preferred tasks – so MSFF holds the right to place volunteers in different tasks according to the festival’s need.

The festival will provide food and accommodation for all the voluntary workers, as well as the festival catalogue and T-shirt. Furthermore, there is the possibility to see films for free during your free time. Volunteers with alcohol proficiency/hygiene proficiency/first aid certificates, security steward licences, or experience working in kitchens/cafes/restaurants/bars are most likely to be selected.

The selection process:
We are recruiting continually, but the earlier you apply, the better are your chances to get the tasks you prefer. When you receive the letter of acceptance, please make sure to answer as soon as possible and secure your place as a MSFF volunteer! We need ca. 300 volunteers yearly to work on the festival in different tasks.

We begin processing the applications April 1st, 2025. Usually, we have received enough suitable applications by May, although this may vary. Applications that have been sent later and have not received confirmation from the festival are placed in line and are only considered if there are cancellations. So do apply early! The applications are processed until the end of May. Everyone who gets selected will receive a confirmation and additional information via e-mail.

Please do not attach any links or files other than your photo in your application. The software may consider extra attachments or links as junk and block sending the application. With any further inquiries please write to staff@msfilmfestival.fi.
Do note, that we only process those application forms that are filled in their entirety (all required fields filled).

Volunteers working as security stewards (official licence required!) have additional benefits: a VIP-pass (free access to screenings during off-time; all except sold-out screenings at Lapinsuu cinema and Kitisen Kino), a club pass (free access to the festival club during off-time) and a free tap at the pub tent (in addition to regular staff catering; alcohol not included).

In building the festival, two groups of pre-festival volunteers are needed: the first from May 26th to June 2th (pre-group I) and the second from June 4th to June 10th (pre-group II). Working hours are the same as for those volunteering during the festival. Pre-festival volunteers take part in an amazing experience building the venues, raising the tents etc. In addition they work with various festival preparations at the festival office and info.

Pre-festival volunteer requirements: You can tell the difference between a hammer and a brush & possess a brisk and positive attitude. Pre-festival volunteers have off-time for the entire festival, staff-pass to the movies, accommodation and food!

Let’s create a SAFE SPACE together!

Midnight Sun Film Festival adheres to the principles of equality and safer space. Each and everyone have the right to participate in all events at MSFF without any separation or discrimination based on race, color, gender, language, religion, political or other stance, national of social origin, wealth, origins, or any other factor.

Everyone has the right to feel safe at our events without fear of discrimination or harassment of any kind, including sexual, physical, and verbal harassment and abuse.

The principles and policies of safe space aim to create a space where everyone is responsible through their actions in building an equal, respectful, and open atmosphere and interaction.